September 9, 2024
SPS News Release

Surrey Police Service (SPS) continues to grow its team with the recent addition of 40 police officers and 11 civilian employees, bringing SPS’s head count to 476. SPS has now hired 410 police officers, which is over half of the 785 police officers it will eventually have when the transition is fully completed.

On September 6th, 13 new Recruit Constables were sworn in by SPS before heading to the Justice Institute of BC for training at the Police Academy. A few days later, our newest civilian employees were officially welcomed to SPS, and 27 experienced officers were sworn in at a special ceremony held on September 9th. This group of experienced officers have been hired for a variety of positions in investigative services, Frontline, youth services, traffic, and other units. They will first go through SPS’s onboarding program before they are deployed into their respective positions.

These police and civilian staff have all chosen to work for SPS and in Surrey because of the opportunities that both offer them and their families.

“All of our police officers and civilian staff have been part of something historic in building a police service specifically designed to serve the large, diverse, and vibrant City of Surrey,” said Chief Constable Norm Lipinski. “These 51 new employees, like the hundreds who joined before them, will make important contributions to our organization and to the community they will serve.”

On November 29, 2024, Chief Lipinski and SPS will assume command for overall policing responsibilities in Surrey. The recruiting, hiring, and deploying of SPS officers are critical components of SPS readying itself to become the police of jurisdiction. SPS’s next class of experienced officers will start on October 21st, and the next Recruit class will join SPS in late December.

More information about careers with Surrey Police Service can be found at

Contact Info

Ian MacDonald
Surrey Police Service
Media Liaison
Phone: 604-349-6985