May 21, 2024
SPS News Release

Surrey Police Service (SPS) has just released its 2023 Report to the Community. This report details the activities and development of Surrey’s new municipal police service that is here to serve the residents of Surrey, today and tomorrow.

The report provides updates on the progress of the policing transition, information on the hiring and deployment of SPS officers, and SPS’s approach to community engagement throughout 2023. Financials for SPS’s operational and capital budget are also included, along with a message from Chief Constable Norm Lipinski.

“With the provincial government’s decision to continue with the policing transition in July 2023, and the subsequent amendment of the BC Police Act in October, Surrey residents and Surrey policing staff received the long-awaited assurance that the transition to SPS will be completed,” said Chief Constable Lipinski. “This definitive direction on the future of policing for Surrey will allow us to collectively continue to build Surrey’s own policing service with confidence, purpose, and excitement.”

The Report also provides an update from Surrey Police Board Administrator, Mike Serr, who was appointed to this temporary role in late 2023 by BC’s Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General to assist with the policing transition.

“Civilian oversight is integral to building and maintaining trust and confidence in our police services. When I accepted the role as Administrator, it was with a great sense of responsibility. As Administrator, I have continued to build on the work of the Board. Their accomplishments prior to my appointment are nothing short of extraordinary,” said Mike Serr, Board Administrator. “While there is still much work to be done, I am confident in the abilities of Chief Lipinski and his talented team of sworn and civilian staff.”

View or download the Surrey Police Service 2023 Report to the Community at

Contact Info

Ian MacDonald
Surrey Police Service
Media Liaison
Phone: 604-349-6985